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How to get the RSS feed of BlogIn posts

RSS feed of all published blog posts from your BlogIn account is available for all accounts. You can subscribe to this RSS feed and receive notifications via your RSS reader about new posts in your internal blog.

Link to RSS feed is located in the footer of every page, below your company name.

Since blog posts are internal, and not available to the public, you have to be logged in to your account in order to access this RSS feed.

Category RSS Feed

In addition to the RSS feed of all published posts, there is also an RSS feed for each category, which only contains posts from that category. The link to the category RSS feed is located at the top of each category page, next to the Category name.


Optional parameters

There are few GET parameters that you can use to configure the RSS feed to your needs:

mt - this unique token must be present as a parameter in all RSS URLs for verification purposes. You can get the value of this token by getting the RSS URL as described in the previous chapter.

n - you can use n parameter in the feed URL to change the number of posts that are contained in the feed. By default n=10.
Example: [your-blog-url]/rss.xml?mt=4ah35...f4g6&n=25  // get the last 25 posts

public_link - you can add a public_link parameter to the RSS feed URL and set it to true to make all links to posts in the feed public links.
Example: [your-blog-url]/rss.xml?mt=4ah35...f4g6&n=25&public_link=true

skip - you can specify a certain number of posts to be skipped in the RSS feed. This option comes handy when dealing with pagination.
Example: [your-blog-url]/rss.xml?mt=4ah35...f4g6&n=25&skip=25  // skip 25, and get next 25 posts

As always, do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comments; we are always happy to help.

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