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Admin Approval for Posts and Comments

We are excited to announce a new feature designed to give you greater control over the content shared within your company blog.

Introducing: Post and Comment Approval by Administrators

With this new feature, the blog can now be configured to require that all posts and comments be reviewed and approved by administrators before being published. This enhancement ensures that only appropriate, relevant, and high-quality content is shared with your team, fostering a more productive and professional internal communication environment.

Why This Matters

  1. Enhanced Content Quality: By allowing administrators to review posts and comments, you can ensure that the information shared is accurate, valuable, and aligned with your company’s standards.

  2. Improved Moderation: This feature helps maintain a respectful and professional tone in all internal communications, reducing the risk of inappropriate or harmful content being posted.

  3. Increased Security: Protect sensitive information by controlling what gets published on your internal blog. This feature adds an extra layer of security to your internal communications.

How It Works

  1. Submit for Approval: When users (writers) create a post or comment, they can submit it for approval.

  2. Administrator Review: Administrators will receive a notification to review the submission. They can approve, reject, or request edits to the content.


  3. Publish or Return: Once approved, the content is published on the blog. If rejected, the user can make necessary edits and resubmit for approval.

We believe this feature will greatly enhance the quality and security of your internal communications. 

This feature can be enabled on the Advanced tab of the Settings page.


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