Product News

Wiki posts

If you ever wanted to enable other team members to join and collaborate on the post you created, this is the option you will love.

You can now mark your post as a ‘wiki post’ that will automatically make the post editable by all users who can create new posts on BlogIn (users with Writer or Administrator access level).

This option is located in the Post Options tab just under the Publish and Draft buttons on the post creation page.

This way you and your team can collaborate on a post, giving all team members the opportunity to edit and modify the same article in real-time.

Wiki posts will also be shown in the Shared posts section in the sidebar on the left for each user that has access.

Please note that only the post author and Administrators can turn this option on or off for a post, meaning that other Writers can only edit the post content, but can’t change the wiki status of the post.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments - we are here to help.

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