Creating a strong company culture that is focused on not only the success of the company but also the growth and overall well-being of the employees should always be the top priority for every company.
But how to create a positive and strong culture within a company filled with people who have different personalities and backgrounds? It all boils down to one golden rule: how do you want your employees to treat one another, and your customers or clients?
Once you establish the golden goal for the company’s culture, then you can start focusing on how to achieve your dream work environment where you are able to measure employee engagement that will benefit both the people and the company they work for.
Start With What You Know - Internal Communication
If you started a company or are in a leadership role within the company, you know how to connect with people, and more importantly how to communicate with them. Strong communication skills are key as both a leader and also when developing a culture you can be proud of at the workplace.
Connect with your employees and ask for what they envision when it comes to an ideal workplace. What kind of culture do they imagine working best for your company? And then like any strong communicator, actually listen to what they have to say.
An internal company blog is one of the best tools for improving internal communication and information flow inside a company. It is instrumental as a two-way asynchronous communication channel that allows employees to be connected and provide feedback and thoughts through discussions on important ongoing subjects.

Internal communication can easily be overlooked as companies focus on outside growth or attracting clients. But without internal communication as a priority within a company, the company will not only be unstable but expectations can be misunderstood which can cause conflict and stagnant growth.
Focusing on internal communication before external communication ensures that your employees are all on the same page and can move forward as a united front in working with clients and customers.
Focus on Feedback
You have already worked hard to make your employees feel valued by asking for their opinions on the ideal culture for the company. But now you need to focus on employee feedback for what is already happening in the company. Feedback is vital for companies to maintain success and grow.
Feedback fosters honest communication between employer and employee. Getting feedback from your employees provides an invaluable point of view from those that work for and with you.
Once you ask for the opinions of your employees, they will feel valued, especially when they see you are actively working to implement a part of their vision. As you work to build communication within your company, it is imperative to focus on internal communication.
As you work to create an office culture that focuses on values, communication, and feedback it is helpful to remember that hard work takes time.
Opening yourself up to employee feedback can be challenging at first as you work to navigate healthy communication styles when accepting the feedback. But the effort will be worth it as you will develop a company culture that both you and the employees will be proud of.
Validate Your Values
Every strong and successful company is built with a set of values and goals in mind. As you work to set your company values, remember that values should be about actions. Beliefs should set the tone for which actions and choices to take.
It is also important to recognize that values help determine the purpose of your company. Creating values should not be taken lightly and should require in-depth conversation and reflection. What makes your company unique is what it believes in and how it treats its employees and customers.
As a leader, you should be leading by example in implementing the values that are the foundation of your company. Your values should be referenced often as you make decisions and work to grow your company. Establishing strong and purposeful values at the beginning can help your company reach it’s goals as it keeps its original purpose in mind.
If your employees know that they are working for a company that not only has strong and healthy values and beliefs but actually sticks to those values, they will trust your word and the promises you make as a leader. And most importantly, as you focus on consistently implementing your company’s values, you are naturally creating the positive company culture you envisioned.
Be Open to Change
One of the most crucial aspects of building a strong and lasting company culture is the company’s ability to embrace change. There is a reason that change is mentioned as one of the only constants in life. This is true in business as well. Things can change on a day-to-day basis and how you react as a leader to change can set the tone for your company.
As a leader, you need to show your employees that you not only embrace change but have strong management skills in approaching how you handle changes that come your way. Your leadership sets the example for your employees and if you show them that you are a company that doesn’t shy away from change, they will feel more comfortable in providing honest feedback because they will trust that positive changes will truly occur within the company.
Your Thriving Company Culture
If your goal is to create the ultimate company culture, then it is up to you to lead the way. Focus on your values and stick to them. Remember that communication, specifically internal communication, is necessary to keep everyone engaged and informed as your company grows and works to succeed.
Be willing and ready to embrace changes within the company and lead by example in doing so. Communicate with your employees as the changes occur and the culture within your company will thrive.